Best IVF Specialist Doctor in Delhi, Gurugram Best IVF Specialist Doctor in Delhi, Gurugram

Refund and Cancellations

Upon enrolling in a course with any educational institution a student is entering a legal agreement under common law, in which they agree to abide by the conditions of enrolment (including meeting stated payments), in exchange for the service offered by the institution in the delivery of the course.

Once you register to our course we do not refund, however, if you get any trouble you can contact us on +91-8287883005, we guarantee you the full support for a better user experience.

However, if you have paid over the amount by mistake, or the double amount has been deducted from your bank if we get that extra amount, so after confirmation we will definitely help you with this case.

Disclaimer: Every attempt is made to ensure all information from the academy is accurate and that the student has attained the competencies taught in a course, at the point of their assessment. Beyond this point, the graduate is responsible to maintain their acquired competencies, and apply acquired knowledge and skills in a way which is appropriate to the unique characteristics of each application. This will release the academy from any liability, action and claims of whatsoever nature in connection with, or arising from any such information, instruction or advice, given by any student or ex-student, whether directions given during the course are followed or not.

International IVF Training Centre in India